
Discover Montessori 2014

10 March 2017 - Parenting

Discover Montessori offers an opportunity for people new to Montessori education to learn more from experienced educators. In 2014 the following workshops were offered at the MANZ Conference in New Plymouth. Discover Montessori offers an opportunity for people new to Montessori education to learn more from experienced educators.In 2014 the following workshops were offered at…

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Discover Montessori 2013

5 March 2017 - Parenting

The second Discover Montessori was held in Wellington, New Zealand, in April 2013. We hope you enjoy the videos from this event. Montessori – remarkable and life-long (approx 30min) Pam Shand Montessori education has a reputation for providing young children with a calm, peaceful environment in which to learn, with respectful teachers willing to coach…

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Montessori Students Speak – MANZ 2013 Conference

3 March 2017 - Parenting

What do Montessori students say when they reflect on their experience in Montessori learning communities ? MANZ 2013 Conference, April 2013 Wellington, New Zealand Address by two Montessori high school students at the conference opening Two Montessori high school students from Wa Ora Montessori School in New Zealand address the delegates at the opening of …

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Montessori Students Speak – MANZ 2012 Conference

1 March 2017 - Parenting

What do Montessori students say when they reflect on their experience in Montessori learning communities ? MANZ 2012 Conference, April 2012 Auckland, New Zealand Address by Montessori graduate at the conference opening A university student in New Zealand reflects on his experience of Montessori education through to 12 years.

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