e-zine Informed

Montessori Aotearoa New Zealand produces a quarterly publication, e-zine Informed, for Montessori professionals and people who simply want to know more about Montessori.

E-zine Informed arrives in your Inbox each quarter and provides a wealth of information, articles and news for professionals. It has been produced four times a year since 2002 and has a substantial archive of articles.

montessori quarterly publication e-zine informed

To receive your copy of e-zine Informed, you need to be an individual member or work for an early learning service or school that is a member of Montessori Aotearoa New Zealand (MANZ). If your school is a member of MANZ and you are not receiving a quarterly copy, please email ce@montessori.org.nz and ask to be added to the list.

View a copy of the e-zine Informed:
