
How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character

22 April 2017 - Parenting / Resources

In mid-September best selling author Daniel Pink hosted another best-selling author, Paul Tough, on his internet broadcast talk show, Office Hours. Paul Tough is the author of the recently released book, How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character. Wendy Calise, principal of Countryside Montessori in Illinois, USA and the driving force behind…

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An Aid to Life – supporting the natural development of children

16 April 2017 - Resources

This is a fantastic website for parents of young children. You can learn how to support your child’s developing communication, movement, independence and self-discipline. Everything from setting limits, sleeping, making choices, supporting independence and making conversation with your baby and toddler. Aid to Life has been created by five project partners, including Association Montessori Internationale,…

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Montessori from a parents perspective [Podcast]

15 April 2017 - Resources

Montessori from a parent’s perspective is an interview with Dr Angeline Stoll Lillard, author of Montessori: The science behind the genius, published in 2005. Dr Stoll Lillard explains the Montessori approach and describes what Montessori looks like in a Montessori early childhood and primary class. She mentions the importance of intrinsic motivation, the importance of…

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An Owner’s Manual for a Child

12 April 2017 - Resources

This is written by Donna Goertz Bryant, an experienced parent, grandparent, Montessori teacher and school leader from Austin, Texas. We were fortunate to have Donna and her husband Don come to New Zealand in 2010 for our annual conference. Donna writes so well, and it is a pleasure to gain some of her perspectives. This…

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Discipline for the Elementary (6-12 year) child

5 April 2017 - Resources

This is from a blog called Montessori Seeds written by Mathew Simberg. Here he reflects on views about child discipline over the last few decades and what discipline may look like in a Montessori 6- 12 community. What ‘freedom’ means and how it is balanced by ‘responsibility’ in a Montessori community. Discipline for the Elementary…

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Preparing the Home for a New Baby – a Montessori perspective

3 April 2017 - Resources

Jeanne-Marie Paynel of Voila Montessori in the USA talks about how expectant parents can prepare their home for the arrival of a new baby. She explains how the environment can be prepared to welcome the new baby with points of reference for the infant in the home. Jeanne-Marie includes the preparation of the adult and…

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