Fair Pay Agreement

NZEI Te Riu Roa initiated a Fair Pay Agreement (FPA) against Early Childhood Education with the aim to set the minimum employment terms for all employees in all occupations within early childhood sector.

A FPA was different from Pay Parity and different again from Pay Equity.

Pay Parity means the same pay for the same work across different employers, organisations and workplaces.

Pay Equity means women and men are paid the same for work that is different, but of equal value. (We have 13 Montessori centres involved with this).

FPA Update – January 2024

The Fair Pay Agreements Act Repeal Act received Royal Assent on 19 December 2023 and came into force on 20 December 2023. This Act repeals the Fair Pay Agreements legislation. Therefore, any FPA work underway has now come to an end.

Further information on the repeal of the FPA legislation can be found here.

As a centre or service you can contact NZEI to confirm that with the end of FPA bargaining, you would like to confirm that they have disposed of all personal information collected from your service for the purpose of FPA as per the Privacy Act 2020.