MANZ Strategic Plan / Mahere Rautaki 2020-24

MANZ finalised this Strategic Plan (2020-24) in February 2020. While it would have been presented to members at MANZ Conference 2020, the conference was cancelled due to Covid-19 therefore, members were sent it in April 2020.

The three strategic aims form the basis for the Montessori community in New Zealand over the next four years.

Earlier Community Consultation

MANZ Council met in Wellington on February 28, 2019, and four draft strategic aims were developed, building on achievements from the current strategic plan. Members of our national association were invited to co-construct the plan by providing feedback online and at the MANZ Open Forum at the 2019 conference, attended by a number of very enthusiastic and reflective attendees. This feedback was considered by MANZ Council in November 2019, with amendments being made reducing the Aims to three.

MANZ Council focused on the strategic plan again in February 2020, and the final strategic plan was presented to the Montessori community in April 2020.

“2019 was the final year of our old Strategic Plan, and the fact that we were so ready for a new one is a testament to the progress that was made on the previous one. At the 2019 conference, we presented the draft plan to a dynamic group and received invaluable feedback that had us back at the board tweaking. This fine-tuning has continued, but we think we now have got a plan which will both guide and inspire us for the next cycle. Of course – that is the easy part. Now the real work begins bringing this plan to fruition and plotting a new course for our MANZ waka.”        

Gillian Somers, MANZ President

The three strategic aims and associated goals are;

Strategic Aim One /  Whainga Rautaki One

Enabling today’s learners for tomorrow’s world / Whakakahahia te ākonga mō tēnei ao

Goals / Whainga:
  • MANZ positions Montessori education as a relevant and viable choice.
  • MANZ is responsive to the changing needs of its community whilst remaining true to the Montessori philosophy.

Strategic Aim Two / Whainga Rautaki Two

Empowering those who serve ākonga / Whakamanahia ngā kaiako

Goals / Whainga:
  • MANZ PLD is available and accessible annually for kaiako across all age groups using different media and tailored to the Strategic Aims.
  • Kaiako are using the Montessori Journey to Excellence (MJ2Ex) Essential Elements to support practice and professional growth.
  • Evaluations of PLD demonstrate a positive impact on kaiako learning and development.

Strategic Aim Three / Whainga Rautaki Three

Embedding biculturalism, increasing equity / Whakararauhia te ao Māori me onā tikanga

Goals / Whainga:
  • MANZ seeks all reasonable opportunities to engage with tangata whenua.
  • The principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi underpin the work of MANZ.

You can download the Strategic Plan, AGM minutes, Annual Report, Performance Report and MANZ Constitution below.

Strategic Plan, Constitution, Annual Report, AGM Minutes