PLD 0-18 Years: Strengthening Biculturalism in your Service/School

This is an opportunity to have Anaru and/or Maria Kapa, specialists in this field, come and assist with development in your service/school blending Montessori and biculturalism together. Anaru, and/or Maria will observe your practice and principles using a te ao Māori lens (TAM) giving you the next steps in your journey. This will be kakano (child) centred.

Date: On request

What will happen …..

  • Principles and practice in the learning environment will be observed.
  • Evidence based tools will be used to identify TAM principles and practice of the kaiarahi.
  • Specific guidance on how to support development in areas of identified need will be given.
  • A detailed written report with suggested next steps for the Service/school and kaiako will be provided.

Note: Videos maybe taken to assist with observations. These belong to the service/school and will only be used for feedback.

Time At Service/School: Up to 3 hours
Cost: To be discussed with Anaru.

Anaru and Maria Kapa
Anaru and Maria have worked with MANZ developing the Strengthening Biculturalism Wananga. Through this work they have: identified key cultural constructs and developed models of practice from research calibrating these with Montessori practice and developed workable models for assessing Te Ao Māori and child neurodevelopment.

PLD 0-18 Years: Strengthening Biculturalism in your Service/School

Date: On request