MANZ Conference 2023

1 January 2023 - MANZ

Be Inspired and Inspire;Whakamanawahia te manawa. What a sensational conference we shared this year at Waipuna Conference Centre, Auckland. 

We were exceptionally fortunate to have our International speakers this year with J McKeever from America, Kavya Chandrasekhar from India, Kei Ikeda from Australia and our very own Arapera Herewini-Card. Covering a range of Inspiring topics our attendees were graced with not only our keynote speakers and workshops but also Montessori Sports and Montessori Dance providing a huge range to be taken back to be shared with their tamariki and rangatahi. 

This year the whole 3-6 stream of speakers were run by Aotearoa ECE kaiako and leaders. In these sessions, facilitators spoke about developing a local curriculum, thinking about assessment, planning and evaluation through a Montessori lens, guidelines and support on meaningful observations, PGC for kaiako and for leaders (with the Teaching Council), grace and courtesy through a te ao Māori perspective and internal evaluation.

One of my favorite parts of the conference weekend was listening in and being part of Inspiring conversations during our Saturday evening Nibbles and Natters evening and during the long, slow breakfasts where rolling inspiring conversations occurred as new kaiako joined the table. Asking questions and adding different view point on topics allowed many ideas and experiences to be shared, the good, what works and what doesn’t in different environments.  Many questions came up during breakfast on day two of our conference allowing a full day to consider, discuss and find answers with those passionate and educated in the Montessori environment.

Thank you to all who contributed to an incredibly inspiring, exciting conference weekend. See you next year!

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