Eastern Suburbs Montessori Primary School

Auckland (East)

Eastern Suburbs Montessori Primary School

Eastern Suburbs Montessori celebrated its 25-year anniversary in 2021. We strive to provide our students with the highest quality Montessori primary education delivered within the framework of the New Zealand National Curriculum and the International Baccalaureate Programme, which is offered by Glendowie School.

Our Montessori classes have been fully integrated into Glendowie School since 1996, providing our students with the opportunity to participate in school-wide cultural, sporting and arts programmes. Students utilise all school facilities which include a swimming pool, playgrounds, hall, extensive library, IT suite and art room.

Our Montessori teachers encourage self-directed learning through the use of specialised, interactive materials. Children learn at their own pace and interact in multi-age classrooms over periods of three or four years (ages 6-9 and 9-12), enabling teachers to identify and understand each child’s unique learning style.

Our classrooms are beautifully presented and are well equipped with quality Montessori materials. They overlook the school fields and the picturesque Tamaki Estuary. We are run by a parent led Charitable Trust.

Parents have the opportunity to attend parent information evenings, join the PTA and get involved in our community building events. In addition, we encourage parent participation in our school activities and annual cultural fair day.

As we are integrated into Glendowie School, we foster the school-wide policy of “I care” as well as the values and principles of the Montessori philosophy to instil a lifelong love of learning.

To receive a prospectus or visit our school, please contact us on info@montessoriprimary.school

Enrolment criteria are available on www.montessoriprimary.school.nz

Enrolment Procedure

A child’s name may be placed on the waitlist at any time and we strongly encourage early registration of your interest, however, children must complete their 3-6 year cycle at a Montessori preschool.

Parents are then invited to attend a class observation. Applications are sent to parents of children on our waitlist in February. Applications need to be completed and returned by 20th March.

Child’s D.O.B. Closing Date
1 June 2017-31 May 2018 20th March 2022
1 June 2018-31 May 2019 20th March 2023
1 June 2019-31 May 2020 20th March 2024
1 June 2020-31 May 2021 20th March 2025

The parents and child will be asked to attend an interview with our Enrolments Officer and the Montessori Senior Teacher. The Trust will then determine who is to be offered places in the ESMPS Unit according to criteria being met. Applicants will be advised of their success or otherwise of their application by letter. If successful, a Contract for Services will be sent, which must be signed and returned to the Trust, within three weeks of the date of the place being offered. Unsuccessful applicants are advised to stay on our waitlist and continue with their Montessori preschool 3-6 year cycle as positions may become available closer to your child’s start date.

Please contact our school office on +64 (9) 575 7434 or info@montessoriprimary.school.nz for information and up-to-date contribution amounts.

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