Ōtari School is a diverse yet cohesive community of enthusiastic educators and learners. The school operates three distinct strands – Māori Immersion, Montessori and Regular state (Original Strand).
We are seeking a teacher for our year 5 to 8 Montessori class who has a Montessori qualification or is willing to gain a Montessori qualification through significantly supported study. Familiarity with The New Zealand Curriculum is essential. A willingness to lead the two teacher strand is also desirable, involving liaison with the Principal, Montessori Trust and parents, and other senior management. 1 Management unit will be provided for these responsibilities.
Please send your CV, and direct enquiries to:
Clifford Wicks
166 Wilton Road, Wilton
(021) 023 79662
Applications close Friday, 14 June, 5pm